Monday, March 12, 2007

Mekanik Merapu

Gila betul mekanik ni, kereta punya ekzos pun boleh bantai jadikan bahan.. memang betul dunia nak kiamat nih.. Tergelak besar aku, nak baca cerita pasal mamat ni, kat bawah ni aku paste untuk nkorang, tulisan asal boleh dapat kat blog

WARNING: Keep this fool away from your M5. There are a lot of ways to love your car, but this guy has taken it literally. British mechanic Chris Donald has what many refer to as “auto-eroticism”. In a nutshell, he humps cars. He’s even made a web-site dedicated to the many auto-erotics out there where he tapes himself doing it with a car.

This guy says “It’s all about imagination and creativity. There’s more to car love than exhaust pipes. Stroking the body panels and delicate touching makes excellent foreplay.” We say, “GET A GIRLFRIEND”. But apparently, the young lad is a very happy and normal (cringe) relationship.

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